The Cosmic Onion

The Cosmic Onion

S01E05 An Hour to Make the Universe
In this final series of lectures, Professor Frank Close examines the symmetry of an early universe and its current asymm...
S01E04 Antimatter Matters
The Cosmis Onion shows us that before there was the Large Hadron Collider, there was the Large Electron-Positron Collide...
S01E03 InvaderFrom Outer Space
In this lecture, Professor Frank Close looks at the methods of imaging fundamental particles – particles that you cann...
S01E02 To the Center of the Sun
We learn how atomic nuclei behave, form and change so we can understand the stars and how our Sun produces its power. Th...
S01E01 Beyond the Rainbow
A is for Atoms: In this first of five lectures, Professor Frank Close's first in a series of five beginners guide lectur...