An astronaut crashes in a desolate land, a young woman scours an abandoned urban wasteland for her family, and a prisone...
Five film students are producing a documentary about the local zoo when suddenly the animals go berserk due to a light b...
Warning: this is a trashy movie! Captain Pirk, an intergalactic hero from the far future, is shipwrecked in the 21st cen...
Trashy movie warning! An alien is dispatched from a faraway galaxy to take over the Earth by 'duplicating' humans and cr...
An association of astronomers has convened to listen to the plan of Professor Barbenfouillis, their president, to fly to...
A meteor shower creates a blinding glow, leading to chaos and the escape of Triffids. In the novel, they are experimenta...
Scientists make a shocking discovery: a group of meteors is on a direct collision course with Earth. If these meteors im...
Warning: this is a trashy fantasy movie! In this outrageous 60s film, the muscle-bound Hercules faces off against the ev...
In this 80s trash rip-off of Aliens and Terminator, marines, a tough civilian, and an orphaned girl battle monsters bene...
A stranger from Venus lands in Britain and forms a bond with a young American woman named Susan North. He comes with a w...
In the sequel to The Mouse That Roared, the tiny country of Grand Fenwick seeks U.S. aid for plumbing repairs by request...
Trashy Classic Sci-Fi film ahead! When an armed meteor is sent to destroy Earth, a dedicated scientist is pitted against...